Current Syllabus of SYBSc Paper II

Syllabus for the S.Y.B.Sc. Program
B.Sc.Course : BOTANY

Course Code SEM III- Title Credits

SBO302 FORM AND FUNCTION II                      2 Credits                            (45 lectures )

Unit II : Cell Biology
 Ultra Structure and functions of the following cell organelles:
     o Mitochondrion(membranes, cristae, F1 particles and matrix)
     o Peroxisomes and Glyoxysomes
     o Ribosomes (prokaryotic, eukaryotic and subunits)
 Cell Division and its significance
     o Cell Cycle, structure of Interphase Nucleus(nuclear envelop, chromatin network, nucleolus and           nucleoplasm)
     o Mitosis & Meiosis
     o Differences between Mitosis and Meiosis
 Nucleic Acids: Types, structure and functions of DNA and RNA              15 Lectures

Unit III : Cytogenetics
 Variation in Chromosome structure (Chromosomal Aberrations)
     Definition, Origin, Cytological and Genetic Effects of the following:
     Deletions, Duplications, Inversions and Translocations.
 Sex determination, Sex linked, sex influenced and sex limited traits :
    Sex determination- Chromosomal Methods: heterogametic males and
    heterogametic females. Sex determination in monoecious and dioecious
    plants. Genic Balance Theory of sex determination in Drosophila, Lyon’s Hypothesis of
    X chromosome inactivation.
    Sex linked- eye colour in Drosophila, Haemophilia, colour blindness
    Sex influenced- baldness in man
 Extranuclear Genetics
    Organelle heredityo
    Chloroplast determines heredity - Plastid transmission in plants,
    Streptomycin resistance in Chlamydomonas.
    o Male sterility in maize      15 Lectures

Unit III : Molecular Biology
 DNA replication : Modes of Replication, Messelson and Stahl Experment,
    DNA replication in prokaryotes and eukaryotes- enzymes involved
and molecular mechanism of replication.
 Protein Synthesis:
    o Central dogma of Protein synthesis
    o Transcription in prokaryotes and eukaryotes: promoter sites,
        initiation, elongation and termination.
    o RNA processing: Adenylation & Capping                                               15 Lectures

  2 Credits (45 lectures )

Unit I : Anatomy
 Normal Secondary Growth in Dicotyledonous stem and root.
 Growth rings, periderm, lenticels, tyloses, heart wood and sap wood.
 Mechanical Tissue system
     o Tissues providing mechanical strength and support and their disposition
o I-girders in aerial and underground organs
 Types of Vascular Bundles.                                                                       15 Lectures

Unit II : Plant Physiology and Plant Biochemistry
 Respiration: Aerobic: Glycolysis, TCA Cycle, ETS & Energetic of respiration;
    Anaerobic   respiration.
 Photorespiration
 Photoperiodism: Phytochrome Response and Vernalization with
     reference to flowering in higher plants, Physico-chemical properties of
     phytochrome, Pr-Pfr interconversion, role of phytochrome in flowering
     of SDPs and LDPs;
 Vernalization mechanisms and applications.                                           15 Lectures

Unit III : Ecology and Environmental Botany
 Biogeochemical Cycles- Carbon, Nitrogen and Water.
 Ecological factors: Concept of environmental factors. Soil as an edaphic
     factor, Soil composition, types of soil, soil formation, soil profile.
 Community ecology- Characters of community - Quantitative characters
     and qualitative characters                                                                        15 Lectures

Semester III  USBOP3 Cr

1 Cell Biology
1. Study of the ultra-structure of cell organelles prescribed for theory from Photomicrographs
2.Estimation of DNA from plant material (one Std & one Unknown, No Std Graph)
3. Estimation of RNA from plant material (one Std & one Unknown, No Std Graph) Cytogenetics
4 Study of inheritance pattern with reference to Plastid Inheritance
5. Study of cytological consequences of chromosomal aberrations (Laggards,
    Chromosomal Bridge, Ring chromosome, Chromosomal ring) from
    permanent slides or photomicrographs.
6. Study of mitosis and meiosis from suitable plant material

Molecular Biology
7 DNA sequencing- Sanger’s method
8 Determining the sequence of amino acids in the protein molecule synthesised from
   the given m-RNA strand (prokaryotic and eukaryotic)



1 Study of normal secondary growth in the stem and root of a Dicotyledonous plant
2 Types of mechanical tissues, mechanical tissue system in aerial,
    underground organs.
3 Study of conducting tissues- Xylem and phloem elements in
    Gymnosperms and Angiosperms as seen in LS and through maceration technique.
4 Study of different types of vascular bundles.
5 Growth rings, periderm, lenticels, tyloses, heart wood and sap wood
6 Plant Physiology and Plant Biochemistry
7 Q10 – germinating seeds using Phenol red indicator NR activity – in-vivo
8. Estimation of proteins by Lowry’s method (Prepare standard graph). Ecology
    and Environmental Botany
9 Study of the working of the following Ecological Instruments- Soil
    thermometer, Soil testing kit, Soil pH, Wind anemometer.
10 Mechanical analysis of soil by the sieve method & pH of soil.
11 Quantitative estimation of organic matter of the soil by Walkley and
     Blacks Rapid titration method.
12 Study of vegetation by the list quadrat method


TIME - 3 hours                             PAPER – II Total                                             Marks – 50

Q.1. Make a squash/ smear preparation of specimen ‘A’. Draw and comment on your
        observations and show the slides to examiners                                                                  (10)
Q.2. To estimate DNA/ RNA from the given sample ‘B’.                                                         (10)
Q.3. Determine the sequence of bases in a DNA strand by Sanger’s method from the
        given data ‘C’

      Determine the sequence of amino acids in the polypeptide synthesized from the given
      m-RNAstrand ‘C’                                                                                                                (10)
Q.4. Identify and describe the specimen/ photograph - D, E and F                                          (15)
Q.5. Journal/Field Report.                                                                                                         (05)

A. – Mitosis/ Meiosis
B. Germinating seeds/Onion
C. DNA seq/AA seq.
D. Cell organelles
E. Plastid inheritance
F. Chromosomal aberrations


TIME - 2 hours 15 min              PAPER – II                                                 Total Marks – 50

Q.1. a). Make a temporary stained preparation of T.S. of specimen ‘A’ and comment on the
         secondary growth/ mechanical tissue system/ Macerate the given material ‘A’ and
         describe the conducting tissue seen.                                                                               (10)
Q.2. Perform the Physiological experiment ‘B’ allotted to you.                                             (13)
Q.3. Perform the Ecological experiment ‘C’ allotted to you.                                                  (13)
Q.4. Identify and describe the specimen/ slide/ photograph - ‘D’ ‘E’ and ‘F’ .                      (06)
Q.5. Viva - Voce.                                                                                                                      (05)
A. – Dicot stem/ dicot root / Mechanical Tissue (Coleus stem, Typha leaf, Maize stem and Maize
        root /Annona / Magnolia for maceration).
B. – Q10 – germinating seeds using Phenol red indicator NR activity – in-vivo
        Estimation of proteins by Lowry’s method
C-  Mechanical analysis of soil by the sieve method & pH of soil
      Estimation of organic matter of the soil
      Study of vegetation by the list quadrat method
D - Vascular bundles
E. – Growth rings, periderm, lenticels, tyloses, heart wood and sap wood

F. – Ecological Instrument


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