All the students of SYBSc Botany are hereby informed that Regular lectures and practicals are started. For details visit to College website of the college.
Respected Sir/Madam, Season’s Greetings!!! We are pleased to inform you that K. M. Agrawal College of Arts, Commerce and Science, Kalyan organizes Two Day National Workshop “The future scope of Indian Biosciences and Botany Industry” in association with E Cell IIT Kharagpur on 22 nd and 23 rd January 2019. We would like to announce that our College Management has decided to reduce the registration fees as mentioned below: (Previous Registration fees: ₹ 1400/ - INR) Revised Registration fees: ₹ 850/- INR The Last date of Registration is 15 th January 2019. Students of various classes: FYBSc., SYBSc., TYBSc., M.Sc., Research Fellow, Research Assistants, Ph.D Students of Bio-physics, Biochemistry, Botany, Zoology, Microbiology and Biotechnology may register their name online. The link is: OR RTGS, IDBI BANK, Tilak Chawk Branch, Kalyan A/C 0456104000104395, IFSC Code IBKL0000456 Or DD in favour of P...
Syllabus for the S.Y.B.Sc. Program: B.Sc. Course:BOTANY SEMESTER III THEORY Course Code Title Credits USBO301 PLANT DIVERSITY 2 Credits (45 lectures ) Unit I : Thallophyta (Algae) & Bryophyta General Characters of Division Phaeophyta: Distribution, Cell structure, range of thallus, Economic Importance. Structure, life cycle and systematic position of Sargassum General Account of Class Anthocerotae and Musci Structure, life cycle and systematic position of o Anthoceros o Funaria 15 Lectures Unit II: Angiosperms Systematics: Objectives and Goals of Plant systematic Plant Nomenclature Taxonomy in relation to Anatomy Palynology Chemical constituents Embryology Cytology Ecology o With the help of Bentham and Hooker’s system of Classification for flowering plants study the vegetative, floral characters and economic importance of the following families: o Leguminosae o Asterace o Amaranthaceae o Palmae 15 Lectures Un...
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